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  • Purpose
    • The purpose is to cultivate excellent researchers who will lead the development of industrial technology by establishing a degree course centered on research sites in connection with government-funded researchers and universities, and mutually utilizing manpower and research facilities.
  • Basic policy
    • The admission examination is conducted as academic-research cooperative master's and doctoral programs and conducted separately for each cooperative university.
  • Operation method
    • Lectures and basic experiments: The university is in charge of general common and major lectures.
    • Experiment and research, etc.: The laboratory is in charge of the experiment and thesis guidance
Operation method - Course and major,Application procedure,Admission exam,Required documents,Academic advisor,Submission and review of thesis,Conferment of degree
Course and major Academic-research cooperative research master's and doctoral programs are opened, and majors are set within the scope of education at universities and research institutes.
Application procedure Those who wish to enter an academic·research program must submit an application form, transcript, degree certificate, etc., and receive a letter of recommendation through a prescribed screening process.
Admission exam The examinations for the selection of new students are document screening, written examination, and oral examination and detailed examination methods follow the admission guidelines for each university.
Required documents The examinations for the selection of new students are document screening, written examination, and oral examination and detailed examination methods follow the admission guidelines for each university.
Academic advisor After enrollment, one researcher at the research institute and one professor at the graduate school are appointed as joint academic advisors for guidance.
Submission and review of thesis Thesis submission and review are in accordance with the regulations of the graduate school, but details are determined by the steering committee.
Conferment of degree Awarded by the president of the university to those who have completed the graduate school's curriculum and passed the prescribed exam and thesis review.

Admission guide

Admission procedure

  • Energy(Research) admission procedure
    • First period: Late Aug. to early Sep.
    • Late period: late Feb. to early Mar.
    • 1st: Qualification screening
    • 2nd: Document screening and interview
  • Announcement of successful applicants and issuance of recommendation letters
    • First period:late Sep.
    • Late period: late Mar.
    • Announcement of successful applicants
    • Issuance of recommendation letters
  • Cooperative university admission procedure
    • Different by cooperative university
    • etters of recommendation and applications submission
    • Screening by university
    • Announcement of successful applicants
  • Enrollment and training approval
    • First period: Training starts on March 1st
    • Late period: Training starts on September 1st
    • Approval of training for final successful applicants
    • Appointment of academic advisors

Qualification for application

  • Those who have obtained a bachelor's or master's degree (or expected)
  • Those who have not been employed by other organizations or industries as of the date of employment
  • Applicants wishing to major in an area where experimental practice and thesis guidance are possible at the Korea Institute of Energy Research


Welfare - Types of work (Accounting Rate), 21 hours a week ,24 hours a week ,28 hours a week ,32 hours a week ,36 hours a week ,40 hours a week
Types of work
(Accounting Rate)
21 hours a week
24 hours a week
28 hours a week
32 hours a week
36 hours a week
40 hours a week
bachelor course







master course







Ph.D course







Effective July 1, 2023

  • 4 major insurance coverage and health checkup
  • Remote residents (except Daejeon and Sejong) dormitory occupancy (lottery among eligible people)
  • Providing employment competency enhancement education and various educational programs

Employment rate

Cooperative university list

Cooperative university list - 대학명, MOU체결일자,지원가능 학위,세부체결과,문의전화
대학명 MOU체결일자 지원가능 학위 세부체결과 문의전화
건국대학교 2005-08-21 석사/박사/통합 전기공학과(전기기계및전력전자, 제어및생체공학, 에너지시스템공학, 전기전자재료및센서),
건축학과(건축학, 건축공학), 기계설계학과(설계및재료, 생산및자동화), 융합신소재공학과(융합신소재공학)
경북대학교 1997-05-06 석사/박사 신소재공학부, 기계공학과, 건축학과, 건설환경에너지공학부,
응용화학공학부(응용화학전공, 화학공학전공), 전자공학부, 컴퓨터학부, 전기공학과
경희대학교 2011-05-11 석사/박사 원자력공학, 정보전자신소재공학 031-201-3500
고려대학교 1992-10-09 석사/박사/통합 이학계열, 생명환경계열, 생명과학 및 생명공학계열, 보건계열, 공학계열, 학과간 협동과정(과학기술학, 메카트로닉스,
미세소자공학, 마이크로/나노시스템, 바이오마이크로시스템기술, 도시재생,
영상정보처리, 바이오정보학, 보건학, 의학통계학)
공주대학교 1999-02-12 석사/박사 박사과정(소프트웨어학과, 광공학과) 제외 모든 과 가능 041-850-8131
광운대학교 2004-09-13 석사/박사/통합 전자공학과, 전자통신공학과, 전자융합공학과, 제어계측공학과, 전기공학과, 화학공학과, 전자재료공학과 02-940-5082
단국대학교 2019-11-01 031-8005-2205
대전대학교 1996-07-01 석사/박사/통합 기초공학 및 응용과학 042-280-2188
동아대학교 2010-05-25 석사/박사 기초공학 및 응용과학 051-200-5502~5504
목포대학교 2010-05-17 석사/박사/통합 (석사)화학과, 기계공학과, 전자공학과, 전기공학과, 신소재공학과
(박사/통합)화학과, 기계공학과, 전자공학과, 전기공학과
배재대학교 2003-12-19 042-520-5262
부경대학교 2003-10-22 석사/박사 재료공학과 051-629-5194
부산대학교 2010-02-25 석사/박사 (공학계열)응용화학공학부, 기계공학부,
항공우주공학과, 재료공학과,
조선.해양공학과, 건축공학과(자연과학계열)화학과,
서강대학교 1996-02-12 석사/박사 전자공학과, 화공생명공학과, 기계공학과 02-705-8168
서울시립대학교 2010-06-11 석사 화학공학과, 환경공학과 02-6490-6180
성균관대학교 2005-12-22 석사/박사/통합 건설환경시스템공학과, 화학공학, 기계공학 02-760-1353
아주대학교 1995-02-08 석사/박사/통합 기초공학 및 응용과학 031-219-2302
연세대학교 1995-02-28 석사/박사/통합 물리학, 화학(물리화학, 유기화학, 무기화학), 지구천문대기학부(지구시스템과학, 대기과학),
화공생명공학(공정공학, 무기공업, 유기공업, 환경공학), 전기전자공학, 건축공학,
기계공학(동력공학, 자동제어, 열전달, 내연기관, 열공정 및 연소공학), 신소재공학(소재제조, 신소재,
재료화학, 무기재료, 고온재료, 전자요업재료, 신요업공정, 응고가공전지, 전자세라믹), 환경공학
영남대학교 1995-12-14 석사/박사 (석사/박사)물리학과, 화학과, 건축학과, 기계공학과, 신소재공학과, 전기공학과, 전자공학과, 화학공학과, 환경공학과 053-810-3755,
울산대학교 2016-06-21 석사/박사 기초공학 및 응용과학 052-259-2093
인하대학교 1999-08-25 석사/박사/통합 기계공학, 전기공학, 화학공학, 환경공학, 건축공학, 재료공학 032-860-8387
전남대학교 2008-03-31 석사/박사/통합 농업생명과학학연협동과정(광주센터만 가능), (석사)신화학소재공학학연산협동과정 062-530-5903
전북대학교 2006-04-10 석사/박사 금속공학과, 반도체화학공학부, 재료공학과, 전기공학과, 에너지저장전환공학과, 전자정보재료공학과, 기계공학과, 기계시스템공학과, 기계설계공학과. IT응용시스템공학과 063-270-4446
전주대학교 2006-05-29
제주대학교 2004-04-09 석사/박사/통합 에너지응용시스템학부(기계공학전공, 에너지화학공학전공, 전기공학전공,
전자공학전공, 물리학전공, 메카트로닉스공학전공)
중앙대학교 2010-07-29 석사/박사/통합 화학신소재공학부 042-860-5024
충남대학교 1994-03-21 석사/박사 기초공학 및 응용과학 042-821-5027
2009-06-22 석사/박사 에너지과학기술학과 042-821-8604
충북대학교 1996-05-02 석사/박사 (석사)건축학과
(석사/박사)환경,도시,화학공학부(환경공학전공, 화학공학전공)
전기,전자,정보,컴퓨터학부(전기공학전공, 반도체공학전공)
물리학과, 재료공학과, 건축공학과, 기계공학과, 공업화학과
한경대학교 2018-03-01 02-820-5024
2006-10-23 석사/박사 (석사)충주캠퍼스 화공생물공학과, 자동차공학과, 환경공학과, 나노화학소재공학과, 전기공학과 043-841-5036,
한국기술교육대학교 2006-11-03 석사/박사/통합 기초공학 및 응용과학 041-560-1220
한남대학교 1994-04-18 석사/박사 건축공학 042-629-7222
한밭대학교 2012-07-23 석사/박사 (석사)기계공학과, 전자공학과, 화학생명공학과, 건축설비공학과
(박사)기계공학과, 전자공학과, 화학생명공학과
한양대학교 2000-05-25 석사/박사/통합

기초공학 및 응용과학

호서대학교 2003-10-29 041-540-5195
홍익대학교 2014-12-15 02-320-1278