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Energy Engineering

Energy Engineering

The Korea Institute of Energy Technology, established in 1977, is a national research institute in the field of energy technology and has world-class researchers, faculty, and research infrastructure. The KIER campus consists of four detailed majors: hydrogen energy engineering, renewable energy engineering, clean energy engineering, and energy system engineering. Hydrogen energy is mainly composed of green/blue hydrogen production/storage, fuel cells (booan branches), etc. Renewable energy is mainly focused on solar, solar, wind, marine energy, biomass, secondary batteries, and artificial intelligence-based resource evaluation, and has branches in Buan, Ulsan, Gwangju, and Jeju. Clean energy is mainly focused on greenhouse gas collection, fossil fuel purification, and CCUS, and energy systems are focused on optimizing and efficient convergence systems, and ICT and AI-linked technologies. The KIER campus is training next-generation energy experts with a curriculum that emphasizes field practice and artificial intelligence based on excellent infrastructure.

Integrated search of faculty

검색 폼
  • 교수이미지
    Chi-Young Jung
    • UST full-time faculty
    • Electric Power System Research Team
    • +82-63-581-1682
    • cyjung@kier.re.kr

    Post-doctoral Researcher,Academic Cooperation Course,Training Student

    Research Field
      PEMFC MEA and GDL Reliability Technology
    Research Project
      1) Development of high strength durability gas diffusion layer for medium and large sized commercial vehicles </br>2) Development of PEFC MEA degradation model and evaluation of accelerated degradation test </br>3) Development of MEA mass-production line parameters simplification based on decal-transfer technique
    Paper Publication
      1) Numerical analysis on transport properties of self-humidifying dual catalyst layer via 3-D reconstruction technique, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2020 </br>2) Corrosion and alloy engineering in rational design of high current density electrodes for efficient water splitting, Advanced Energy Materials, 2020 </br>3) Harvesting electronic waste for the development of highly efficient eco-design electrodes for electrocatalytic water splitting, Advanced Energy Materials, 2018 </br>4) AA'-stacked trilayer hexagonal boron nitride membrane for proton exchange membrane fuel cells, ACS Nano, 2018 </br>5) Nitrogen-doped carbon supported platinum catalyst via direct soft nitriding for high-performance polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2018 </br>6) Fabrication og highly effective self-humidifying membrane electrode assembly for proton exchange membrane fuel cells via electrostatic spray deposition, Electrochemistry Communications, 2018
  • 교수이미지
    Jeong Hak-geun
    • UST full-time faculty
    • Division of Energy System Engineering
    • +82-42-860-3127
    • hgjeong@kier.re.kr

    Training Student

    Research Field
      Intelligent Energy Management System </br>(지능형 에너지관리시스템)
    Research Project
      - Cyber Physical System Technologies to interconnect Distributed Energy Resources for RE3020(RE3020 실현을 위한 분산자원 에너지 네트워크 핵심기술개발) </br>- Study on self-powered hybrid nano-sensor for detecting indoor air quality(실내 공기환경 검침용 자가발전 하이브리드 나노센서 연구) </br>- The Practical research on convergence of element technology Package(Passive&Active) related Zero Energy Building(제로에너지빌딩 요소기술 패키지(패시브&액티브) 융복합화 및 실증연구) </br>- Development of control strategy and advanced SW for multi-purpose ESS with improved battery life and modularity (배터리 수명 향상과 모듈화가 가능한 다기능 ESS용 통합 운영 시스템 및 SW 고도화 기술 개발) </br>- ESS-based, small scale co-residential clean Energy, smart home emprical Study(ESS 기반 소규모 공동주택 클린에너지, 스마트홈 실증 연구)
    Paper Publication
      - Flexible polymer thermoelectric device based on PEDOT:PSS and surface treated pyromellitic dianhydride?oxydianiline polyimide substrate, JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE, 2020 </br>- Deep Neural Network Approach for Prediction of Heating Energy Consumption in Old Houses, ENERGIES, 2020 </br>- Enhanced output performance on LbL multilayer PVDF-TrFE piezoelectric films for charging supercapacitor, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2019 </br>- Power-free electrostatic collecting film development for purifying indoor air pollution, Nano Energy, 2019 </br>- A Study on Changes of Window Thermal Performance by Analysis of Physical Test Results in Korea, Energies, 2019 </br>- Thermal performance evaluation of low-income buildings based on indoor temperature performance, Applied Energy, 2018 </br>- Reliability Field Test of the Air-Surface Temperature Ratio Method for In Situ Measurement of U-Values, Energies, 2018 </br>- The Feasibility of Improving the Accuracy of In Situ Measurements in the Air-Surface Temperature Ratio Method, Energies, 2018 </br>- Volumetric Capacitance of In-Plane- and Out-of-Plane-Structured Multilayer Graphene Supercapacitors, JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2017 </br>- A middleware platform for the validation and utilization ofshort-term weather forecast data for office buildings, Energy & Buildings, 2017 </br>- Window retrofit strategy for energy saving in existing residences with different thermal characteristics and window sizes, BUILDING SERVICES ENGINEERING RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY, 2016 </br>- Appropriate conditions for determining the temperature difference ratio via infrared camera, BUILDING SERVICES ENGINEERING RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY, 2016 </br>- Synergetic Effect between Lighting Efficiency Enhancement and Building Energy Resuction Using Alternative Thermal Operating System of Indoor LED Lighting, Energies, 2015 </br>- Comparison of sensorless dimming control based on building modeling and solar power generation, Energy, 2015
  • 교수이미지
    Cho Dong-Woo
    • UST adjunct faculty
    • Carbon Conversion Lab.
    • +82-42-860-3491
    • dwcho@kier.re.kr

    Training Student

    Research Field
      Chemical Thermodynamics (Thermo-physical Property Measurement and Data Correlation) </br>Separation Technology (Process and Material Synthesis) </br> - Distillation, Extraction, Absorption, and Adsorption </br> - Oil and Gas Production, Refinery, Petrochemical, and Specialty Chemical
    Research Project
      Separation Technology Development for refinery, Petrochemical, and Specialty chemical Industry </br>- Impurity (Ca, Asphatnen) Removal From Crude oil </br>- Separation process for natural gas (Gas Production & De-C1) </br>- LAO Purification </br>- Purification of polymeric particles
    Paper Publication
      - Total Acid Number (TAN) reduction of high acidic crude oil by catalytic esterification of naphthenic acids in fixed-bed continuous flow reactor, Fuel, 231, pp. 271-280 </br>- Adsorption and desorption dynamics of CF4 on activated carbon beds: Validity of the linear driving force approximation for pressure-changing steps, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 34(11), pp. 2922-2932 </br>- High-pressure phase behavior of tri-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate and tetra-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate in supercritical carbon dioxide, Fluid Phase Equilibria 319, pp. 37-41 </br>- High-pressure phase behavior of methyl lactate and ethyl lactate in supercritical carbon dioxide, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 56(9), pp. 3561-3566 </br>- Synthesis of monodispersed poly(acrylonitrile) microspheres by dispersion polymerization in compressed liquid dimethyl ether, Colloid and Polymer Science 287(2), pp. 179-188
  • 교수이미지
    Ara CHO
    • UST full-time faculty
    • Photovoltaic research team.
    • 042-860-3699
    • icemua@kier.re.kr

    UST Student,Academic Cooperation Course,Training Student

    Research Field
      Materials for Thin film solar cell
    Research Project
      Materials for Thin film solar cell
    Paper Publication
      Ara Cho, Inyoung Jeong, Soomin Song, Donghyeop Shin, Sangmin Lee, Kihwan Kim, Jae Ho Yun, Jun Sik Cho, Joo Hyung Park, “Mechanism-Based Approach of CdS/Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) Interfaces for CIGS Solar Cells through Deposition in Different Stages of Continuous Chemical Bath Deposition Reaction: Key to Achieving High Photovoltaic Performance”, Solar RRL 5(10), 2021, DOI: 10.1002/solr.202100485 </br> </br>Shahara Banu, Yunae Cho, Kihwan Kim, Seung Kyu Ahn, Jihye Gwak, Ara Cho, “Phase transition behavior and defect analysis of CuSbS2 thin films for photovoltaic application prepared by hybrid inks”, Solar Energy 188:1209-1220, 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2019.07.019 </br> </br>Ara Cho, Shahara Banu, Yunae Cho, Seung Kyu Ahn, Jae HoYun, Jun-Sik Cho, “The effect of metal-chelate complex in Cu2SnS3 thin film solar cells and their characteristics, photovoltaic performance, and defect analysis”, Solar Energy 185:131-145, 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2019.04.065 </br> </br>Effect of Zn(S,O,OH) Buffer Thin Films Formed on CIGS through Different Stages and Reaction Processes in Chemical Bath Deposition: Interpretations from Mechanisms and Transformation Kinetics Perspective </br> </br>Solar RRL 6(7), 2022, DOI: 10.1002/solr.202200152
  • 교수이미지
    Yun-Haeng Joe
    • Academic advisor for a student researcher
    • Clean Air Research Laboratory
    • 042-860-3636
    • yhjoe@kier.re.kr

    Academic Cooperation Course,Training Student

    Research Field
      - 에어로졸공학 응용기술 개발 </br> - 방전공학 응용기술 개발 </br> - 대기 미세먼지 저감기술 개발 </br> - 실내 공기 정화기술 개발 </br> - 사업장 배출 미세먼지 저감기술 개발 </br> - 나노 입자 기상 합성 및 거동 제어기술 개발
    Research Project
      - 대기 미세먼지 대응 상호 협력형 공기정화 자동차 </br>- 전기집진기 성능개선을 위한 Retrofit용 집진기술 실증
    Paper Publication
      - Fabrication of an anti-viral air filter with SiO2-Ag nanoparticles and performance evaluation in a continuous airflow condition </br> - Prompt and Synergistic Antibacterial Activity of Silver Nanoparticle-Decorated Silica Hybrid Particles on Air Filtration </br> - Methodology for Modeling the Microbial Contamination of Air Filters </br> - Effects of an external electrif field on the collection efficiency of air filters </br> - Evaporation-condensation in the presence of unipolar ionic flow for solvent-free production of ultrasmall antibacterial particles </br> - Determination of Air Filter Anti-Viral Efficiency against an Airborne Infectious Virus
  • 교수이미지
    Cho, Chong Pyo
    • Academic advisor for a student researcher
    • EMS Laboratory
    • 042-860-3331
    • cnsever@kier.re.kr

    Academic Cooperation Course

    Research Field
      - 에너지 및 열전달, 열유체 연구 </br> - 엔진 및 차량의 후처리장치 성능 평가 및 특성 연구 </br> - 자동차, HEV, EV 공인시험 및 에너지 효율 향상 연구 </br> - 고온 과열증기 SOEC 적용 및 열관리 기술 연구 </br> - 고온 과열증기 이용 폐플라스틱 열분해 및 가스화 시스템 연구 </br>
    Research Project
      - 기본사업 : 품위 열원연계 과열증기 SOEC 공급 및 열관리 기술개발(2022.1~2026.12) </br> - 산업부 : HEV 저온연비 15% 향상을 위한 다열원 통합 열관리 모듈 및 제어기술 개발(2022.4~2024.12) </br> - 환경부 : 혼합 폐플라스틱 가스화 유래 합성가스 기반 고순도 수소 생산 기술 개발(2022.4~2025.12) </br> - 시험평가: 엔진 및 차량 시험평가
    Paper Publication
      - Cho, CP*, Pyo, YD, Jang, YJ, Kim, GC, Shin, YJ, NOx reduction and N2O emissions in a diesel engine exhaust using Fe-zeolite and vanadium based SCR catalysts, Applied Thermal Engineering (SCIE), 110, 18-24, 2017 </br>- Jung, YG, Pyo, YD, Jang, JY, Kim, GC, Cho, CP*, NO, NO2 and N2O Emissions over a SCR using DOC and DPF systems with Pt reduction, Chemical Engineering Journal(SCI), 369, 1059-1067, 2019 </br>- Bang, YM, Park SR, Cho, CP, Cho, MJ, Park SW, Thermal and flow characteristics of a cylindrical superheater with circular fins, Applied Thermal Engineering(SCIE), 181, 115895, 2020
  • 교수이미지
    CHO, Jun-Sik
    • UST full-time faculty
    • Photovoltaics Laboratory
    • +82-42-860-3214
    • jscho@kier.re.kr

    Academic Cooperation Course

    Research Field
      Silicon and Compound based Solar Cell Technology
    Research Project
      - Development of multi-functional next-generation thin-film solar cell tecnologies </br>- Generation converged compound/Si multi-junction solar cell technology
    Paper Publication
      - Bifacial photovoltaic performance of semitransparent ultrathin Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells with front and rear transparent conducting oxide contacts, Applied Surface Science 535, 147732 (2021) </br>- Semitransparent Single-Junction and Tandem Solar Cells Using Microcrystalline Silicon for Energy-Harvesting Photovoltaic Windows, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 12, 29294-29202 (2020) </br>- Energy harvesting performance of bifacial and semitransparent amorphous silicon thin-film solar cells with front and rear transparent conducting oxide contacts, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 202, 110078 (2019) </br>- Semi-transparent photovoltaics using ultra-thin Cu(In,Ga)Se2 absorber layers prepared by single-stage co-evaporation, Solar Energy 181, 276-284 (2019) </br>- Wide-bandgap nanocrystalline silicon-carbon alloys for photovoltaic applications, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 182, 220-227 (2018) </br>- Performance enhancement of thin-film silicon solar cells by development of core component layers, Solar Energy 159, 444-452 (2018)
  • 교수이미지
    Hyun-Seok Cho
    • UST full-time faculty
    • Hyodrogen Research Department
    • +82-42-860-3447
    • hscho@kier.re.kr

    Post-doctoral Researcher,UST Student,Academic Cooperation Course

    Research Field
      Electrochemical experimental design, modeling, and analysis of water electrolysis stack
    Research Project
      - Design of robust porous transport layers for high current operation of a polymer electrolyte membrane water electrolyzer </br>- Development of Electrochemical Hydrogen Compressor </br>- Key technology development and demonstration of Alkaline electrolyzer coupled with renewable energy resources for high safety </br>- Development of 2MW-class hybrid electrolysis for green hydrogen production and storage technologies to maximize renewable energy utilization </br>- Development Hybrid Hydrogen Conversion & Power Generation System for Utilization of 500kW Surplus Wind energy </br>- Development of next generation alkaline electrolyzer
    Paper Publication
      1) Advanced Zirfon-type porous separator for a high-rate alkaline electrolyser operating in a dynamic mode, J. Mem. Sci., 616, 118541 (2020) </br>2) 3D architecture double perovskite NdBa0.5Sr0.5Co1.5Fe0.5O5+δ embedded hollownet Co3O4 bifunctional electrocatalysts coupled with N-doped CNT and reduced graphene oxide for oxygen electrode reactions,” J. Alloys and Compd., 823, 153782(2020) </br>3) Plasmon-Enhanced Oxygen Evolution Catalyzed by Fe2N?Embedded TiOxNy Nanoshells,” ACS Appl. Energy Mater., 3, 1, 146(2020) </br>4) Operational durability of three-dimensional Ni-Fe layered double hydroxide electrocatalyst for water oxidation,” Electrochim. Acta, 315, 94(2019) </br>5) A scaling method for correlating ex situ and in situ measurements in PEM Fuel Cells and Electrolyzer,” J. Electrochem. Soc., 165 F883 (2018) </br>6) Dimensionless analysis for predicting nickel alloys corrosion in molten salt systems for concentrating solar power systems,” Corrosion, 72 742 (2016) </br>7) The contamination behavior of system derived organic model compounds on PEMFC: functional groups and mechanisms,” J. Electrochem. Soc., 162 F1056 (2015) </br>8) An isothermal model for predicting performance loss in PEMFCs from balance of plant leachate,” J. Electrochem. Soc., 161 F1375 (2014) </br>9) Designing Robust Transition Metal Phosphide Electrodes via a Cathodic Protection Strategy for Alkaline Water Electrolysis in Discontinuous and Interrupted Operations,” J. Mater. Chem. A, submitted (2020).
  • 교수이미지
    Dong Hyun Chun
    • UST full-time faculty
    • Carbon Conversion Research Laboratory
    • +82-42-860-3071
    • cdhsl@kier.re.kr

    UST Student,Academic Cooperation Course

    Research Field
      Catalysis and Materials Science
    Research Project
      - Development of Key Technology for Production of Ultra High Value-Added LAO (Linear α-Olefins) from Syngas </br>- Development of Desorption Controlled Syngas Conversion Technology </br>- Development of Industrializable C1 Gas Conversion Technology for Production of Premium Synthetic Wax </br>- Development of Technology for Production of High Purity Linear Alpha Olefins from Syngas </br>
    Paper Publication
      - Dong Hyun Chun*, Geun Bae Rhim, Min Hye Youn, Deviana Deviana, Ji Eun Lee, Ji Chan Park, Heondo Jeong, “Brief review of precipitated iron-based catalysts for low-temperature Fischer?Tropsch synthesis”, Topics in Catalysis (2020) July Published Online (https://doi.org/10.1007/s11244-020-01336-6). </br>- Young-eun Kim, Unho Jung, Dahye Song, Hyo Been Im, Ji Chan Park, Min Hye Youn, Heon-Do Jeong, Geun Bae Rhim, Dong Hyun Chun*, Dong-Wook Lee, Ki Bong Lee*, Kee Young Koo*, “Effect of Ba impregnation on Al2O3 catalyst for 1-octene production by 1-octanol dehydration”, Fuel 281 (2020) December 118791. </br>- Young-Eun Kim, Hyo Been Im, Un Ho Jung, Ji Chan Park, Min Hye Youn, Heon-Do Jeong, Dong-Wook Lee, Geun Bae Rhim, Dong Hyun Chun*, Ki Bong Lee*, Kee Young Koo*, “Production of linear α-olefin 1-octene via dehydration of 1-octanol over Al2O3 catalyst”, Fuel 256 (2019) November 115957. </br>- Jae-Sung Bae, Seok Yong Hong, Ji Chan Park, Geun Bae Rhim, Min Hye Youn, Heondo Jeong, Shin Wook Kang, Jung-Il Yang, Heon Jung, Dong Hyun Chun*, “Eco-friendly prepared iron-ore-based catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 244 (2019) May 576-582. </br>- Ji Chan Park*, Sanha Jang, Geun Bae Rhim, Jin Hee Lee, Hyunkyoung Choi, Heon-Do Jeong, Min Hye Youn, Dong-Wook Lee, Kee Young Koo, Shin Wook Kang, Jung-Il Yang, Ho-Tae Lee, Heon Jung, Chul Sung Kim, Dong Hyun Chun*, “A durable nanocatalyst of potassium-doped iron-carbide/alumina for significant production of linear alpha olefins via Fischer-Tropsch synthesis”, Applied Catalysis A, General 564 (2018) August 190-198. </br>- Seok Yong Hong, Ji Chan Park, Ho-Tae Lee, Jung-Il Yang, SungJun Hong, Heon Jung, Dong Hyun Chun*, “Nanocrystalline iron-ore-based catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 16 (2016) February 2014-2018. </br>- Geun Bae Rhim, Seok Yong Hong, Ji Chan Park, Heon Jung, Young Woo Rhee, Dong Hyun Chun*, “Nanocrystalline ferrihydrite-based catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis: Part II. effects of activation gases on the catalytic performance”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 16 (2016) February 1793-1797. </br>- Dong Hyun Chun*. Ji Chan Park, Geun Bae Rhim, Ho-Tae Lee, Jung-Il Yang, SungJun Hong, Heon Jung, “Nanocrystalline ferrihydrite-based catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis: Part I. reduction and carburization behavior”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 16 (2016) February 1660-1664. </br>- Dong Hyun Chun, Ji Chan Park, Seok Yong Hong, Jung Tae Lim, Chul Sung Kim, Ho-Tae Lee, Jung-Il Yang, SungJun Hong, Heon Jung*, “Highly selective iron-based Fischer?Tropsch catalysts activated by CO2-containing syngas”, Journal of Catalysis 317 (2014) August 135-143.
  • 교수이미지
    Choi, Young-Woo
    • Academic advisor for a student researcher
    • Hydrogen Research Department
    • 063-581-1671
    • cozmoz67@kier.re.kr

    Post-doctoral Researcher,Academic Cooperation Course

    Research Field
      에너지 변환/저장(고분자연료전지, 흐름전지, 역전기투석 등) 시스템 및 전기화학적수처리(축전식 탈이온, 전기투석 등) 시스템용 이온교환막 개발
    Research Project
      1. 재생에너지 기반 알칼라인 수전해 장치 고안전성 확보를 위한 핵심기술 개발 및 실증 </br> </br>2. 탄소중힙형 차세대 고분자 연료전지 및 수전해용 바이폴라막 제조 기술 개발 </br> </br>3. 음이온교환 고분자막 기반 수전해/연료전지용 핵심 소재 개발
    Paper Publication
      1. Young-Woo Choi et. al., “A practical approach to measuring the ion-transport number of cation-exchange membranes: Effects of junction potential and analyte concentration”, J. Memb. Sci., Vol. 635, 119471 (2021) </br> </br>2. Young-Woo Choi et. al., "One-step fabrication and characterization of reinforced microcomposite membranes for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells". J. Memb. Sci., Vol. 563, 896-902 (2018) </br> </br>3. Young-Woo Choi et. al., "Thin Pore-Filled Ion Exchange Membranes for High Power Density in Reverse Electrodialysis: Effects of Structure on Resistance, Stability, and Ion Selectivity". ChemistrySelect, Vol. 2, 1974-1978 (2017) </br> </br>4. Young-Woo Choi et. al., "A novel amphoteric ion-exchange membrane prepared by the pore-filling technique for vanadium redox flow batteries". RSC Adv., Vol. 6, 63023-63029 (2016) </br> </br>5. Young-Woo Choi et. al., "High power density of reverse electrodialysis with pore-filling ion exchange membranes and a high-open-area spacer". J. Mater. Chem. A, Vol. 3, 16302-16306 (2015) </br> </br>6. Young-Woo Choi et. al., "Effect of number of cross-linkable sites on proton conducting, pore-filling membranes". J. Memb. Sci., Vol. 460, 178-184 (2014) </br> </br>7. Young-Woo Choi et. al., "Electrochemical and Mechanical Durability of Cast type of Membranes and a Reinforced Membrane Based on Sulfonated Poly(Arylene Ether Sulfone) for Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells". Chem. Lett., Vol. 43, 643-645 (2014) </br> </br>8. Young-Woo Choi et. al., "On-site crosslinked quaternized poly(vinyl alcohol) as ionomer binder for solid alkaline fuel cells". International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 39, 16556-16561 (2014) </br> </br>9. Young-Woo Choi et. al., "Highly Crosslinkable and Proton-conducting Polyelectrolytes of Pore-filling Membranes for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells". Chem. Lett., Vol. 42, 998-1000 (2013) </br> </br>10. Young-Woo Choi et. al., "A study on sulfonated poly(arylene ether sulfone) membranes containing two different types of SiO2 for a high temperature and low-humidified polymer electrolyte fuel cell". Korean J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 30, 87-94 (2013) </br> </br>11. Young-Woo Choi et. al., "A highly durable cross-linked hydroxide ion conducting pore-filling membrane". J. Mater. Chem., Vol. 22, 13928-13931 (2012).