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사이트맵 닫기

Intern Researchers

  • Introduction
    • To support the growth path of young scientific talents as specialized professionals in science and technology by providing short-term training opportunities.
  • Definition
    • An individual who receives short-term training at the institute for the purpose of gaining practical field experience or enhancing practical skills in their major field.
    • Internal Intern : Selected through a specified procedure according to the institute's own objectives.
    • Project Intern : Selected through a specified procedure to achieve the objectives of government or research council-commissioned projects with a set duration.
      • (KOITA) Customized Master's and Doctoral Training Program for SMEs
      • (IAESTE) International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience Intern Program
      • (World Bank)(PASET RSIF) African Doctoral Scholars Internship Program
      • (KIRD) Inclusive Growth Specialized Research Personnel Training Program
  • Qualifications
    • Internal Intern : Individuals with a bachelor's or master's degree in a relevant field who have no work experience or less than 6 months of experience.
    • Project Intern : As determined by the relevant government policy or project (eligibility criteria vary by project).

Selection Process

  • 1Job announcement

  • 2Eligibility screening

  • 3Document review

  • 4Interview

  • 5Final selection

Working Conditions

Internal Intern

Internal Intern Working Conditions
Classification Internal Intern (Full-time experiential intern)
Duty and Compensation Bachelor's degree: 2,200,000 KRW per month, Master's degree: 2,500,000 KRW per month (before tax)
Flexible working hours, breaks, and holidays are applied the same as for regular employees.
Training Period Less than 9 months
Other Information Teaching is prohibited.

Project Intern

Project Intern Working Conditions
기타사항 Duty and training period vary by project.