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Hydrogen Energy Engineering

Interest in hydrogen energy technology is increasing as a core technology for realizing a carbon-neutral society. This major has the best faculty and facilities to cultivate theoretical and practical skills for the entire process of hydrogen production, storage, transport, and utilization..

In the production and storage area, we focus on water electrolysis technology, fossil fuel-based hydrogen extraction technology, and metal and complex hydride storage technology. And in the application area, we provide opportunities for capacity building in a variety of fuel cell technologies applied to mobile fields like cars, heavy equipment, trains, and drones, stationary fields like home, building, and distributed power plants, and special areas for portable and extreme environments.
We cultivate core human resources who can play in the whole cycle ㅁarea from core materials in the hydrogen energy to parts, systems, performance evaluation, and certification.

김민진 대표교수 사진

major representative professorKim Min-jin