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사이트맵 닫기

Student Training

  • Purpose
    • The purpose is to cultivate distinguished professional researchers in the field of science and technology through research training for master's and doctoral students (including integrated programs).
  • Definition
    • A trainee student is a graduate student (master's or doctoral) who participates in and conducts training activities in research projects at the institute without being formally enrolled through an academic-research collaboration process.
  • Eligibility
    • Students enrolled in master's and doctoral programs (including integrated programs) who are not employed by other institutions.
    • Prospective students (excluding those on leave of absence) (the standard period varies according to the announcement).
    • Those who can receive research training as trainee researchers at the institute until they obtain their master's or doctoral degrees.

Admission Process

  • 1Submission of student application

  • 2Document screening and interview

  • 3ssuance of a recommendation letter

  • 4School consent form (supervising professor, department head)

  • 5Employment contract and training