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  • The campus of the University of Science and Technology (UST) directly educates master's and doctoral students in KIER's key research areas, including renewable energy technology.
  • UST, jointly established by government-funded research institutes in the field of science and technology, is a graduate school under the Ministry of Science and ICT, offering practical, field-research-centered, student-oriented customized education.

Admission Process

  • Announcement of Admission Guidelines and Application Submission
    • Spring Semester: Late August to Early September
    • Fall Semester: Late February to Early March
  • First Screening (Document Review)
    • Spring Semester: Mid-October
    • Fall Semester: Mid-April
  • Second Screening (In-depth Interview on Major)
    • Approximately 30 minutes presentation and Q&A for each major
  • Announcement of Final Successful Candidates
    • Spring Semester: Early December
    • Fall Semester: Early June
  • Enrollment
    • Spring Semester: Early to Mid-December
    • Fall Semester: Early to Mid-June

Eligibility (Spring 2023 Admissions)

Common Requirements

Integrated Master's and Ph.D. Program/Master's Program
  • Applicants must hold a bachelor's degree or expect to receive one by February 2023.
  • Those recognized by law as having qualifications equivalent to a bachelor's degree or higher.
Ph.D. Program
  • Applicants must hold a master's degree or expect to receive one by February 2023.
  • Those recognized by law as having qualifications equivalent to a master's degree or higher.

General Admissions

  • Applicants must hold South Korean nationality or dual nationality including South Korea.

Special Admissions

Special Admissions - Entrusted Students, North Korean Defectors, Foreigners, Overseas Koreans
Entrusted Students Entrusted Students: Military entrusted students recommended by the Minister of National Defense and other government agency employees recommended by the relevant minister.
North Korean Defectors North Korean defectors recognized by the Minister of Unification as having completed bachelor's or master's degrees.
Foreigners Applicants whose parents are both foreign nationals.
Overseas Koreans Children of overseas Koreans who have completed all their elementary, middle, high school, and university education abroad.

These criteria are subject to change. For more detailed information, please refer to the UST website.

Official English Test Scores

Official English Test Scores - Category, TOEFL iBT,TOEFL PBT(Revised),TOEIC, New TEPS, IELTS
iBT PBT(Revised)
General 79 59 730 342 6
Hearing Impaired 20 20 365 137 4.5
Exemptions from Submitting Official English Test Scores
  • Graduates (or expected graduates) of UST
  • Individuals who have studied for at least one year and obtained a degree (including expected degrees) from universities in countries where English is the native language (USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, South Africa)
Deferrals for Submitting Official English Test Scores
  • Individuals who have obtained a degree from universities in countries designated as English-speaking by UST (a total of 31 countries, see the 'Deferral Applicable Countries' table) and can prove that all courses during the degree program were conducted in English
  • Candidates applying under a special admissions process as sponsored students
Deferral Period
  • A deferral for submitting an 'Official English Test Score Certificate' with the minimum required score can be granted until the thesis submission deadline specified in Article 16 of the Degree Conferment Regulations. Countries Eligible for Submission Deferral (listed alphabetically)

Countries Eligible for Submission Deferral (listed alphabetically)

Ghana, Co-operative Republic of Guyana, Republic of The Gambia, Nigeria, Republic of Liberia, Kingdom of Lesotho, Republic of Rwanda, Republic of Malawi, Myanmar, Republic of Vanuatu, Belize, Kingdom of Bhutan, Solomon Islands, Republic of Sudan, Sri Lanka, Kingdom of Eswatini, Republic of Sierra Leone, Eritrea, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Republic of Uganda, Republic of Zambia, Republic of Zimbabwe, Republic of Cameroon, Cambodia, Kenya, Republic of Kiribati, Tanzania, Kingdom of Tonga, Independent State of Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Philippines

Training incentives

A monthly training stipend is provided during the degree period.
Training incentives - Work Patterns (Scheduled Hours), 21 hours/week,24 hours/week,28 hours/week,32 hours/week,36 hours/week,40 hours/week
Work Patterns
(Scheduled Hours)
21 hours/week
24 hours/week
28 hours/week
32 hours/week
36 hours/week
40 hours/week







Master's Program







Doctoral Program





